Sentence example with the word 'growlingly'


Last update: July 15, 2015


Most of them were against it; but at length, in obedience to Steelkilt, they preceded him down into their dark den, growlingly disappearing, like bears into a cave.   [Please select]


Tim growlingly vouchsafed a brief explanation of the incident.   [Please select]


Finally, in one supreme, childish impulse of petulant curiosity, he scrambled shiveringly out of his blankets with many "O--h's" and "O-u-c-h-'s," recaptured the letter, and took it growlingly back to his warm bed.'   [Please select]


Instead of answering, the old chief wrenched off another walrus rib from its native backbone, and began to gnaw it growlingly, as if it were his enemy and he a dog.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

growling - growlingly - growls