As it has not done so, are we then really, as many contend, the highest expression of the progress accomplished, throughout the ages, by the first atom of glair expanded into a cell. [Please select]
Crawling up the sides, the Snails imprisoned in my apparatus sometimes reach the top, which is closed with a glass pane, and fix themselves to it with a speck of glair. [Please select]
Crawling up the sides, the Snails imprisoned in my apparatus sometimes reach the top, which is closed with a glass pane, and fix themselves to it by means of a speck of glair. [Please select]
The strength and litheness of a clown cannot compare with those of this budding flesh, this hardly coagulated glair. [Please select]
But safety lies within; and behold the atom of animated glair embarking on its struggle with the flint. [Please select]
Then the fox started across the steel-gray glair, picking his steps that he might have a firm foothold. [Please select]
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