In toxic doses podophyllin causes intense enteritis, with all its characteristic symptoms, and severe depression, which may end in death. [Please select]
This form of enteritis occurs occasionally in animals of the bovine species. [Please select]
Neurasthenia, dyspepsia, gastralgia, enteritis, and pains in different parts of the body. [Please select]
The ending _itis_ means inflammation,--gastritis, enteritis, colitis, each meaning inflammation of the corresponding organ. [Please select]
In the dog, however, enteritis is rarely seen in a pure form. [Please select]
In the same way other intestinal germ diseases, such as Asiatic cholera, dysentery, enteritis (inflammation of the intestine), and infantile diarrhea, are all so carried. [Please select]
Septicemia usually follows surgical wounds, local suppuration, enteritis, bronchitis--in fact, wherever there is a local lesion of any kind permitting germs to enter the blood. [Please select]
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