Sentence example with the word 'dishabille'


bathrobe, bed jacket, brunch coat, casual clothes, dressing gown, housecoat, kimono, lounging robe, morning dress, neglige, negligee, robe, robe-de-chambre, smoking jacket, something comfortable, sport clothes, undress, wrap, wrapper

Definition n. the state of being carelessly or partially dressed

Last update: August 12, 2015


The parent will sometimes roll and spin round before you in such a dishabille, that you cannot, for a few moments, detect what kind of creature it is.   [Please select]


At this moment Jack, also in dishabille, rushed in.   [Please select]


Joseph closed the door carefully behind him, and made no apology for his dishabille.   [Please select]


The three had come upon her suddenly, and she, realizing her dishabille, had risen hastily, excusing herself, when Dalton, who was half tipsy, stepped between her and her bedroom door.   [Please select]


"Go and put on your clothes while I open the door," said Amy Russell, entering hastily at the moment in a state of comparative dishabille, with a shawl thrown round her.   [Please select]

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disgusts - dishabille - disharmonies