Kiera settled at an uncomfortable angle, the sandpapery red roofing snagging her polyester disco clothing and preventing her from sliding over the nearby edge of the three-story row house. [Please select]
), antennis apice nigris, thoracis disco et abdominis maculis subtrigonis subæneo-ferrugineis, scutello quadrisetoso, alis subcinereis. [Please select]
It'll never be said of Disco Lillihammer that he forsook the owner's son in distress.' [Please select]
"That's true," replied Disco, going down on his knees, and blowing them carefully. [Please select]
"Look here, now," resumed the tar, slapping his own chest vigorously, "Disco, Disco, Disco, that's me--Disco." [Please select]
Disco's mode of action, although somewhat different was quite as vigorous. [Please select]
"They're lowering a boat," said Disco, whose attention was engrossed by the manoeuvres of the "Firefly."' [Please select]
Disco, speechless with amazement, rose up and sprang to the helm. [Please select]
_ Niger, capite antice albo, thorace vittis duabus fasciaque pectorisque disco cinereis, scutello fulvo, abdomine fasciis interruptis æneo-viridibus, tibiis basi fulvescentibus, alis fuscis (mas) aut obscure fuscis (foem.) [Please select]