After 1870 the Hanoverian regiment was disbanded, but the sequestration continued. [Please select]
They are almost disbanded. [Please select]
There was one called "The Arrow-Breakers," now in a great measure disbanded and dispersed. [Please select]
Some of the regiments crushed earlier in the action had entirely disbanded. [Please select]
John's company soon afterwards disbanded, and also the Osawatomie men. [Please select]
But in February 1822 Yannina fell, Ali was slain, his treasure seized, and his troops disbanded. [Please select]
Maria Theresa was so confident of success, that she disbanded twenty thousand of her troops. [Please select]
When the Puritan army was disbanded, they had proceeded to regulate the militia. [Please select]
After the treaty of peace was signed, and the army disbanded, General Greene went home. [Please select]
The Templars were disbanded in the fourteenth century, but the Hospitalers continued to fight valiantly against the Turks long after the close of the crusading movement. [Please select]
But the army refused to be disbanded without payment of its arrears, and, moreover, marched upon London, in spite of the vote of the parliament that it should not come within twenty-five miles. [Please select]
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