Sentence example with the word 'derivates'


Last update: September 24, 2015


Another view is to regard both marsupials and placentals as derivates from implacental ancestors more or less nearly related to the creodont carnivora, or possibly as independently descended from anomodont reptiles (see Creodonta).   [Please select]


_, 6, 9), and recalls the story of Androclus, which occurs in the derivates of Phædrus, and may thus be Indian in origin (see Benfey, _Panschatantra_, i.   [Please select]


The chief points about them are--(1) though the tale does not exist in either Phædrus or Babrius, it occurs in prose derivates from the Latin by Ademar, 65, and "Romulus," ii.   [Please select]

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derivate - derivates - derivation