Sentence example with the word 'demonstrably'


Definition adv. in an obvious and provable manner

Last update: August 1, 2015


Numerous objects had been discovered in the course of excavations, but not one of them could be recognized as more than a few centuries old, while those that were not demonstrably foreign imports were of African type.   [Please select]


Rose would be held to have been right and Rodney wrong, demonstrably.   [Please select]


They demonstrably do not _contain_ the lower states that know the same objects.   [Please select]


; sixteen are demonstrably wrongly identified, leaving but five of which the species is correctly given.   [Please select]


When he saw he exasperated her he sought very earnestly to be righter and reasonabler and more plainly and demonstrably right and reasonable than ever.   [Please select]

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demonstrable - demonstrably - demonstrate