But when he saw the French and saw Tikhon and learned that there would certainly be an attack that night, he decided, with the rapidity with which young people change their views, that the general, whom he had greatly respected till then, was a rubbishy German, that Denisov was a hero, the esaul a hero, and Tikhon a hero too, and that it would be shameful for him to leave them at a moment of difficulty. [Please select]
"You know they say he has eight hundred thousand a year--and spends nothing, except on some rubbishy old books." [Please select]
"I shouldn't, for instance," she remarked, "be in any haste to tell him that he had a lot of rubbishy old books."' [Please select]
If she was too fond of her rubbishy children, she couldn't help it. [Please select]
At this rubbishy speech, the tears, for the first time, came into her eyes. [Please select]
She'd rather have it than your rubbishy peppermints, I can tell you. [Please select]
I grew tired at last of the eulogy, and, adopting his vernacular, declared that I should be jolly glad to get out of this rubbishy world. [Please select]
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