So, a smart detective would go downtown and ask his old friend Monica Cutler at the Sentinel for a list of out of town people who've ordered the paper to be mailed to 'em. The ones who've signed up over the past few weeks. [Please select]
"] This eminent man was born at Langres in 1713, the son of a worthy cutler." [Please select]
Warren's corps was now temporarily broken up, Cutler's division sent to Wright, and Griffin's to Hancock. [Please select]
"Then you can do like Herr Schnitzler," who was the cutler. [Please select]
"Down the Cutler road, sir, three quarters of an hour ago." [Please select]
--When Cutler reached New York, he found Congress debating a measure of great importance. [Please select]
Cutler, for many years head of the Cutler Preparatory School in New York City, thanks to whose excellent training he was able to enter college in 1876. [Please select]
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