Sentence example with the word 'coronas'


Last update: June 20, 2015


The results of the theory of the diffraction patterns due to circular apertures admit of an interesting application to coronas, such as are often seen encircling the sun and moon.   [Please select]


As I am not a millionaire I don't offer these Coronas to everybody.   [Please select]


Detrás de ellos estaba colocado un coro de vírgenes todas vestidas de blanco y con coronas de flores.   [Please select]


)] This generalisation is well borne out by the maximum-epoch Coronas of 1870 and 1871, and the minimum-epoch Coronas of 1867, 1874, 1875, 1878, and perhaps 1887, and certainly 1889.   [Please select]

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coronary - coronas - coronate