Sentence example with the word 'obloquy'


abuse, billingsgate, censoriousness, discredit, faultfinding, hypercriticalness, infamousness, nagging, opprobrium, quibbling, shame, trichoschistism

Definition n. state of disgrace resulting from public abuse

Last update: October 18, 2015


The Government faced obloquy due to the hijacking.   [noun]


In the struggle between the Executive and Congress over the method of reconstructing the Southern States, Seward sided with Johnson and thus shared some of the obloquy bestowed upon that unfortunate president.   [noun]


The circumstances of his appointment and the erroneous belief that he was receiving a pension of f 4 000 per annum for his few days' court work brought Campbell much unmerited obloquy.'   [noun]


But stranger still that a good Christian world should bleed and fleece such women, and give them nothing in return except obloquy and persecution.   [noun]


Guizot also came in for a share of the obloquy, and made a miserable defence.   [Please select]


"I went through a good deal of obloquy about 'Schism,'" said Mr.   [Please select]


Ill-fame and obloquy had followed him like a shadow.   [Please select]


I have encountered ridicule and obloquy; but I do not mind them.   [Please select]


He, therefore, took every means in his power to bring obloquy and punishment upon the guilty parties.   [Please select]


But he did not desire a radical reformation, as Luther did, and always shunned danger and obloquy.   [Please select]


What a storm of obloquy would have burst upon such inept diplomacy in America, or in England, or even in France.   [Please select]

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oblongs - obloquy - obnoxious