Sentence example with the word 'circumscribe'


abate, box in, condition, decrease, draw, hedge about, limit, modify, reduce, set limits, strangle

Definition v. draw a line around

Last update: July 19, 2015


Although I do not wish to circumscribe your activities, I must insist that you complete this assignment before you start anything else.   [verb]


47, then follow various theorems on the circle, leading up to the problem of the construction of a circle which shall circumscribe three given circles, touching each other two and two.   [verb]


To circumscribe the influence of the ruling favourites he next suggested the formation of a cabinet council of six or eight ministers, through whom all the business of the state was to be transacted; but Catherine, suspecting in the skilfully presented novelty a subtle attempt to limit her power, rejected it after some hesitation.   [verb]


For our part, we reserve to the word its ancient and precise, circumscribed and determined significance, and we restrict slang to slang.   [verb]


This remarkable epoch is decidedly circumscribed and is beginning to be sufficiently distant from us to allow of our grasping the principal lines even at the present day.   [verb]


Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed In one self place; for where we are is hell, And where hell is there must we ever be.   [verb]


4 per cent, demonstrating that tuberculosis may be eradicated from all the herds in a circumscribed area.   [Please select]


The latter gradually extends in size and depth, forming a sharply circumscribed area of necrotic inflammation.   [Please select]


It is only the callow young clamoring for food, or complaining of their circumscribed quarters.   [Please select]

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circumpolar - circumscribe - circumscribed