Sentence example with the word 'choanae'


Last update: August 22, 2015


The palatines are long, always fused anteriorly with the premaxilla, and fre quently with the maxillo-palatine processes; posteriorly they slide upon the presphenoidal rostrum, and articulate in most birds with the pterygoids; they form the greater part of the palatal roof and border the choanae or inner nares.   [Please select]


; tympanum 2/3 to 3/4 diameter of eye; prevomerine elevations about size of choanae 4 Snout-vent length less than 30 mm.   [Please select]


; tympanum less than 1/2 diameter of eye; prevomerine elevations smaller than choanae 5 4.   [Please select]


Prevomerine teeth 5-5, on large ovoid elevations at level of posterior edges of small round choanae.   [Please select]


Prevomerine teeth 5-6, situated on transverse ridges between posterior borders of small round choanae.   [Please select]


Prevomerine teeth 3-4, situated on short elevations between small round choanae; vocal slits absent.   [Please select]


Prevomerine teeth 4-4, situated on posteromedially inclined elevations between small ovoid choanae.   [Please select]


Prevomerine teeth 6-7, situated on robust transverse ridges between small, ovoid choanae.   [Please select]


); they have the thighs weakly barred or vermiculate anteriorly and posteriorly or unmarked, an ill-defined interorbital triangular mark, linear markings dorsally, and small choanae.   [Please select]


_--Size medium; skull longer than wide; frontoparietal fontanelle absent in adults; snout subovoid; choanae rounded; dorsal stripes present; black vermiculations on posterior surfaces of thighs.   [Please select]

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chlorophyll - choanae - choanocytes