Sentence example with the word 'censoriousness'


Last update: June 29, 2015


The thought condemns censoriousness (iv.   [Please select]


Because he had come so near to hating, he accused himself of censoriousness.   [Please select]


Perhaps the strain of silent censoriousness had worn out even her strong will.   [Please select]


His first proof-piece was in the year 1665, the _Tentamina Physico-Theologica_; a tedious transcript of his common-place book, wherein there is very little of his own, but the arrogance and the unparalleled censoriousness that he exercises over all other Writers.   [Please select]


The brusqueness of his official style and the censoriousness of his language infused even more personal bitterness into the opposition which developed within his own party than in that felt in the ranks of the opposing party.   [Please select]

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censorious - censoriousness - censors