Sentence example with the word 'catheter'


adjutage, fire hose, garden hose, hosepipe, pipe, piping, siamese, snorkel, steam pipe, tap, tubulation, tubulure

Last update: June 25, 2015


The fossa navicularis the mouth of one of these is sometimes so large that it may engage the point of a small catheter and is known as the lacuna magna.   [Please select]


Relief should without loss of time be afforded by the use of the catheter.   [Please select]


All other measures failing, the liquid must be drawn off through a tube (catheter).   [Please select]


Another mode of entrance of the ferment is an unclean catheter used to draw the urine.   [Please select]


First he tickled her Then he patted her Then he passed the female catheter.   [Please select]


When a fit occurs, nothing should during its existence be given by the mouth, except with the stomach-pump, or by means of a large-sized catheter introduced into the pharynx.   [Please select]


I detected the bladder was distended, and though the animal did not weigh more than eight pounds, nine ounces and a half of urine were taken away by means of the catheter.   [Please select]

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cathedrals - catheter - catheterization