Sentence example with the word 'umbels'


Last update: July 10, 2015


Smilacoideae are climbing shrubs with broad net-veined leaves and small dioecious flowers in umbels springing from the leaf-axils; the fruit is a berry.   [Please select]


From the clover-blooms and the vetch-blooms, the wheel-rayed daisies, and the tall umbels of the wild parsnip, strange perfumes kept distilling in the heat and pulsing in across the pool on breaths of air too soft to ruffle its surface.   [Please select]


In the tree-tops over our heads the bindweed shook its feathery seed-pods, the parasite _kouna_ dripped its deeply serrated leaves and crimson umbels, and thousands of orchids hung like butterflies.   [Please select]

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umbelliferous - umbels - umber