Sentence example with the word 'braggadocio'


Definition n. vain and empty boasting

Last update: July 8, 2015


With much swagger and braggadocio, Wilkinson advanced to the center of the stage.   [Please select]


And, notwithstanding all this braggadocio, performance seems to have lagged sadly behind profession.   [Please select]


Polite, considerate with none of the usual brash braggadocio we 're used to.   [noun]


Let me regress a little bit and let you know why this little bit of braggadocio was put on paper.   [noun]


That story shows about the time when Nolan's braggadocio must have broken down.   [noun]


Wolfe Tone, who a few months before had patronizingly described him to Talleyrand as "a respectable old man whose patriotism has been known for thirty years," was now disgusted by the lying braggadocio with which Tandy persuaded the French authorities that he was a personage of great wealth and influence in Ireland, at whose appearance 30,000 men would rise in arms. Tandy was not, however, lacking in courage.   [Please select]


He talked of it--or so it appeared to her--with more braggadocio than enthusiasm.   [Please select]


The claimant lost all his braggadocio air, and stared at the detective with a terrified look.   [Please select]


She let me go out with him, properly chaperoned, and she never, by word or manner, hinted that she didn't admire his conceit and braggadocio.   [Please select]


And twisting his red moustaches, braggadocio Virtue takes the perilous way where dim rain falls ever, and sad winds sigh.   [Please select]

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brag - braggadocio - braggart