Its bulk lay blackly against the faint, phosphorescent glow of the black barren. [Please select]
She hummed softly to herself as she knitted, and Timothy slept blackly at her feet. [Please select]
"Look," he exclaimed, pointing to a low ridge that stood out blackly in the moonlight. [Please select]
Chase looked blackly at the eager Arab, who quailed. [Please select]
And the Viscount frowned blackly, and ran his fingers through his hair. [Please select]
He scowled blackly in Maitland's amazed face and seemed abruptly to swell with mysterious rage. [Please select]
The man hesitated, scowling blackly at the heeling vessel, momentarily increasing her distance from shore. [Please select]
When she returned from her errand she saw him outlined blackly against one of the long windows, his hands clasped behind his back, his head low as if in meditation. [Please select]
Thereat Barnabas frowned blackly, and dropped her hands, then caught her suddenly in his long arms, and held her close. [Please select]
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