The conquerors among them having first drunk the blood of their enemies, afterwards besmear their faces therewith; they regard right and wrong alike. [Please select]
Find in the Glossary the meaning of: alert; mission; dejected; besmeared; brindled; docile; relaxed; crestfallen. [Please select]
Blood and dust besmeared it and soiled his white locks. [Please select]
He is rarely besmeared with grime, he is hardly slovenly. [Please select]
'" He spat out mud from his besmeared mouth, and his unburied face was like a beast's." [Please select]
It was he, rain-washed and besmeared with a sort of scum, polluted and dreadfully pale, four days dead, and close up to our embankment into which the shell-hole where he had burrowed had bitten. [Please select]
The singularly placid and benevolent look that beamed from the meal-besmeared face when I discovered her was something to be remembered. [Please select]
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