Sentence example with the word 'baculum'


Last update: June 14, 2015


An original medial p preceding the chief accent of the word also appears as b in English and the other members of the same group. It is not certain that any English word is descended from an original word beginning with b, though it has been suggested that peg is of the same origin as the Latin baculum and the Greek (6 KTpov.   [Please select]


_--Size medium; dorsal dark stripes blackish; sides Cinnamon to Clay Color; crown Light Drab; baculum large.   [Please select]


_--Size medium; dorsal dark stripes tawny; crown Drab-Gray; baculum of same proportions as in _E.   [Please select]


_--Size large; sides Clay Color; antipalmar and antiplantar surfaces of feet Cinnamon-Buff; baculum as in E.   [Please select]


This difference permits any specimen which has an associated baculum to be readily identified to species.   [Please select]


The baculum of the chipmunks of western North America.   [Please select]


The baculum of _goldmani_ differs slightly from that of _albigula_ in having a less downwardly curved shaft and in having a less pronounced median dorsal depression at the proximal end.   [Please select]

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bacula - baculum - badder