Sentence example with the word 'arrowwood'


Last update: October 11, 2015


1 Sour gum (_Nyssa sylvatica_) 2 Black nightshade (_Solanum nigrum_) 1 Dockmackie (_Viburnum acerifolium_) 1 Arrowwood (_Viburnum_ sp.)   [Please select]


2 Snowberries (_Symphoricarpos racemosus_) 2 Dockmackie (_Viburnum acerifolium_) 1 Arrowwood (_Viburnum_ sp.)   [Please select]


2 Indian currant (_Symphoricarpos orbiculatus_) 1 Downy arrowwood (_Viburnum pubescens_) 1 Nanny berries (_Viburnum lentago_) 2 Black elderberries (_Sambucus canadensis_) 4 Red elderberries (_Sambucus pubens_) 3 Fruit not further identified 60 In looking over this list one is impressed with the fact that the taste of human beings for fruit differs markedly from that of birds.   [Please select]

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arrows - arrowwood - arrowy