Sentence example with the word 'archiepiscopal'


Definition adj. of or associated with an archbishop

Last update: July 18, 2015


Soon afterwards he went to London, where he lived until his death in 1807, never accepting the Concordat, which had suppressed his archiepiscopal see.   [Please select]


] Among the great men whom he encouraged and rewarded, may be mentioned the historian Burnet, whom he made Bishop of Salisbury, and Tillotson and Tennison, whom he elevated to archiepiscopal thrones.   [Please select]


Nor was there any archiepiscopal see.   [Please select]


The pretext assigned was the necessity of protecting the eastern frontier of the Republic against an attack from Cologne, where Cardinal Fürstenberg, the nominee and ally of Louis XIV, had been elected to the archiepiscopal throne.   [Please select]


The people spread their garments in his way, and conducted him in pomp to his archiepiscopal throne.   [Please select]


In the thirteenth century this quiet town of Roskilde was the capital, and the archiepiscopal see of Denmark.   [Please select]

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