Sentence example with the word 'andante'


a poco, beat, decrescendo, hobble, lento, piano, rallentando, shamble, stretto, time pattern, waltz time

Definition adv. at a moderately slow tempo

Last update: May 13, 2016


They made a mess of it anyway, those two--andante--which I suppose this mess in marble symbolises.   [Please select]


"After the presto followed the andante, not very new, with commonplace variations, and the feeble finale."   [noun]


From the dusty and melancholy olive trees rises a mighty, throbbing hum, a great andante whose executants have the whole sweep of woods for their orchestra.   [noun]


In the centre of the room, emerging from a chunk of marble, the back and neck and one ear of an unclothed lady protruded; and the sculptured achievement was labelled, "Beatrice Andante."   [Please select]

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ancon - andante - andantinos