Sentence example with the word 'afrits'


Last update: July 9, 2015


When he turned it once, Afrits and Djinns came Out of the earth to do whatever he told them.   [Please select]


Of course if he had chosen to turn his ring on his finger and call up the Djinns and the Afrits they would have magicked all those nine hundred and ninety-nine quarrelsome wives into white mules of the desert or greyhounds or pomegranate seeds; but Suleiman-bin-Daoud thought that that would be showing off.   [Please select]


We were living peacefully in our golden palace, as is our custom, when upon a sudden the Palace disappeared, and we were left sitting in a thick and noisome darkness; and it thundered, and Djinns and Afrits moved about in the darkness.   [Please select]

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afrit - afrits - after