Sentence example with the word 'absenteeism'


Definition n. habitual absence from work

Last update: August 26, 2015


Absenteeism was nearly doubled, and the national importance nearly annihilated in a political point of view.   [Please select]


Yet there were many sources of weakness in the scheme of government--divided authority, absenteeism, personal unfitness.   [Please select]


There must be no more absenteeism; no bishops and abbots drawing large incomes and amusing themselves in Paris or Versailles.   [Please select]


It was Benella, after all, who inveigled us into making our first political misstep; for, after avoiding the sin of absenteeism, we fell into one almost as black, inasmuch as we evicted a tenant.   [Please select]

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absentee - absenteeism - absentees