The Micrographic Dictionary describes the family Ophrydina as corresponding to Vorticellina with a carapace. [Please select]
According to the 'Micrographic Dictionary,' the _Lindia torulosa_ is 1--75" long, but this specimen was only about 1--200". [Please select]
The 'Micrographic Dictionary' states that the tubes of the Melicerta are composed of "numerous rounded or discoidal bodies;" and Mr. [Please select]
The 'Micrographic Dictionary' puts a note of interrogation to the assertion of some writers that _Trachelomonads_ have no necks, and draws some with such an appendage. [Please select]
In the 'Micrographic Dictionary' they are said to belong to the Vorticella family, which has already given us several beautiful objects, and possess a marvellous power of changing their shape. [Please select]
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