Sentence example with the word 'wrack'


algae, catastrophe, creeper, despoilment, dissolve, havoc, lichen, puffball, sea lentil, throw into disorder, vetch

Definition n. dried seaweed especially that cast ashore

Last update: September 15, 2015


He watched explosions wrack his planet until they rose high enough that the toxic dust storm he'd started marred the surface of the planet from view.   [Please select]


Like as not dey's a watchman on dat wrack.   [Please select]


Benjy and the berg collided, and at that moment everything seemed to the former to vanish away in smoke, leaving not even a wrack behind.   [Please select]


Tommy Bogey stood beside him, and both man and boy gazed long and silently at the wrack which lined the shore.   [Please select]


The cloud-wrack was blown off, leaving the sky a lake of burnt yellow, pure, sweet, and cool.   [Please select]


The keen breeze freshened, the cloud-wrack went racing westward; it left the sky clean and bare.   [Please select]


A vision of freedom thrilled me, and yet I was wracked and torn.   [Please select]


There was a limit to the wrack and strain which the human organism could stand.   [Please select]


We were whimpering and peevish; we were wracked with pain and weary of mind, but that nurse never failed to smile.   [Please select]


But slime of Dead Sea wrack Were sweeter on my lips this night.   [Please select]


He realizes a dreamy pleasure in watching the waves coming in out of the obscurity and dashing on the shore, or pulsing away in fading leaden lines into the mystery of the wrack.   [Please select]

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wowing - wrack - wracked