This time a whitish sack protruded and then ruptured. [Please select]
_Female_--upper parts grey, tinged with red; larger wing-coverts edged with yellowish red; throat and abdomen whitish; breast, flanks, and under tail-coverts, pale red. [Please select]
It contains usually five or six whitish eggs, somewhat smaller than those of the Thrush. [Please select]
Cylindric elongated; whitish, with two yellowish bands, and transverse elevated striƦ; spire thick, obtuse. [Please select]
Shell fusiform, reddish brown, with whitish bands; smooth; spire plaited and striated; base rugose; pillar 4 plaited. [Please select]
Wings dentated, black; posterior above with a five-cleft, violet-crimson spot; anterior beneath with a transverse, central, whitish band. [Please select]
_ Above olivaceous, beneath fulvous, (male,) with a golden yellow crest; throat whitish; rump pale yellow; tail black. [Please select]
When cut they exhibit the typical whitish, opaque appearance described as "virgin." [Please select]
It was still in its summer dress of dark chestnut-brown above and whitish below. [Please select]
Some of the dead flowers, bits of moss, and green twigs fell near Ben, and one attracted his attention,--a spray of broad, smooth leaves, with a bunch of whitish berries on it. [Please select]
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