Sentence example with the word 'whencesoever'


Last update: September 3, 2015


At the root of the work lies a theory, whencesoever derived, which identified the Goths with the Scythians, whose country Darius Hystaspes invaded, and with the Getae of Dacia, whom Trajan conquered.   [Please select]


So he said: "Whencesoever these men have come, my lord, that they are princes or of a prince's company is clear."   [Please select]


Still, whencesoever derived, the Egyptian people, as it existed in the flourishing times of Egyptian history, was beyond all question a mixed race, showing diverse affinities.   [Please select]


We only know that by the dawn of history its various clans and tribes, whencesoever they may have come, had distributed themselves over the greater part of Southwestern Asia.   [Please select]

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whence - whencesoever - whenever