Sentence example with the word 'waxwing'


Definition n. brown velvety-plumaged songbirds of the northern hemisphere having crested heads and red waxy wing tips

Last update: September 11, 2015


The raven frequently remains even in the colder parts throughout the winter; these, with the Canada jay, waxwing, grosbeak and snow bunting, being the principal birds seen in Manitoba and northern districts in that season.   [Please select]


[Illustration: ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK] CEDAR BIRD (_Ampelis cedrorum_) CALLED ALSO CHERRY BIRD, AMERICAN WAXWING, AND CANADIAN ROBIN Length, seven and one-fourth inches; extent, about twelve inches.   [Please select]


BOHEMIAN WAXWING (Ampelis garrulus) Waxwing family Called also: BLACK-THROATED WAX WING; LAPLAND WAX WING; SILKTAIL Length -- 8 to 9.   [Please select]


Of course I refer to the waxwing, or cedar-bird, whose faint, sibilant whisper can scarcely be thought to contradict the foregoing description.   [Please select]


The waxwing is larger than a sparrow and smaller than a robin.   [Please select]


[Illustration] The cedar waxwing [Illustration] The gorgeous scarlet tanager who sang in this tree was killed by a sling-shot.   [Please select]


COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME Page 618 Bohemian Waxwing Bombycilla garrula 198 619 Cedar Waxwing " cedrorum 198 Family PTILOGONATIDÆ."   [Please select]


The Bohemian waxwing, like the only other member of the family that ever visits us, the cedar-bird, is a roving gipsy.   [Please select]


Surely no bird has less right to be associated with evil than this mild waxwing.   [Please select]


CEDAR BIRD (Ampelis cedrorum) Waxwing family Called also: CEDAR WAXWING [AOU 1998]; CHERRY-BIRD; CANADA ROBIN; RECOLLET Length -- 7 to 8 inches.   [Please select]


This handsome crested, grayish brown Waxwing resembles the common Cedar Waxwing but is larger (length 8 inches), has a black throat, much white and yellow on the wing and a yellow tip to tail.   [Please select]

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