Sentence example with the word 'wainscoting'


Definition n. a wainscoted wall

Last update: September 23, 2015


Jim the Cab-horse found himself in possession of a large room with a green marble floor and carved marble wainscoting, which was so stately in its appearance that it would have awed anyone else.   [Please select]


There was another chair against the low wainscoting, and Victoria drew it over beside Hilary and sat down in it.   [Please select]


Nancy Wentworth held her breath, turned her face to the wall, and silently wiped the paint of the wainscoting.   [Please select]


Meanwhile, the Captain was questing about the hall, sounding the wainscoting with the butt of a pistol.   [Please select]


At one side the dark wainscoting yawned to a cavernous fireplace and inglenook with seats in black leather.   [Please select]


And no glare of modern electricity would suit that old wainscoting, either.   [Please select]


He struck the oak wainscoting with his fist, feeling a red mist grow before his eyes.   [Please select]


Somewhere underneath, or in the wainscoting at the side, he could hear the assiduous gnawing of a rat.   [Please select]


The sides of the car were wainscoting of plain surface done in a Flemish stain rubbed down to a dull finish.   [Please select]


The floor is of lignolith laid down in one sheet and carried up as a wainscoting so that no crevice exists for entrance of insects or dust.   [Please select]


Only a few hours before I had heard a similar sound rising from the wainscoting of my own room in Glenarm House.   [Please select]

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wainscoted - wainscoting - wainscotings