Definitionn. the shape of something rotating rapidly
Last update: October 21, 2015
People were warned not to go near the vortex. [Please select]
In the movie, the vortex pulled in every spaceship that came near it. [Please select]
The tornado’s vortex swept up two of the trailers in the mobile home park. [Please select]
The earth, or other planet, does not actually move round the sun; yet it is carried round the sun in the subtle matter of the great vortex, where it lies in equilibrium, - carried like the passenger in a boat, who may cross the sea and yet not rise from his berth. [Please select]
The field of battle became a terrible and deadly vortex. [Please select]
That tremendous uprising of his passion had been a vortex, an end, a decision. [Please select]
The Vortex fascinated Dorothy even while she resisted it. [Please select]
She would stay, on the edge of the vortex, fascinated by its danger, and resisting. [Please select]
It was not Dorothy's vortex, or the vortex of the fighting Suffrage woman. [Please select]
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