Sentence example with the word 'voracity'


acquisitiveness, avidness, cupidity, gluttonousness, greed, hyperphagia, insatiable desire, lust, overindulgence, rapacity, swinishness

Definition n. excessive desire to eat

Last update: September 5, 2015


They show voracity in their work.   [Please select]


Owing to the smaller size of the male and the greater voracity of the female, the male makes his advances to his mate at the risk of his life and is not infrequently killed and eaten by her either before or after pairing has been effected.   [Please select]


He ate with the voracity of a starving man.   [Please select]


The venomous reptile attacked the kindly old gentleman with singular voracity, and but for the high-topped boots which Mr.   [Please select]


--JULY 133 In the Fields again--Scarlet Pimpernel--Goat's Beard--Caddis Worms and Flies--Forget-me-not--Goldfinches--Cruelty of country lads to young birds--Grasshoppers--Crickets--Pike, voracity and size of.   [Please select]


For such agents an insatiable voracity is an indispensable qualification, and not less so unusual powers of multiplication.   [Please select]


The old man snatched it from her, and, biting off a piece, began to chew with a sort of wolfish voracity.   [Please select]


They then set upon the juicy heart of the trees at the bases of the leaves, and devoured it with great voracity.   [Please select]

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voraciousness - voracity - vortex