Sentence example with the word 'vivifying'


Last update: August 1, 2015


Instead of taking up and developing particular critical problems he makes the vivifying kernel, the soul of criticism, his own.   [Please select]


He stooped down and chafed the wounded youth's wrists and temples, while the rain with its vivifying touch still drove upon his face.   [Please select]


She has got the carcase, as it were, of knowledge and accomplishments; but the vivifying spirit is wanting.   [Please select]


But, we cannot see that it would be judicious to continue this duty, after it shall have produced its whole vivifying effect.   [Please select]


Rachael drank the vivifying fluid, and her nerves responded at once.   [Please select]


It was a genius for life, for living herself, for aiding others to live, for vivifying mere existence.   [Please select]


Unlike many of his friends, he was not repelled by the "Jacksonism of the West"; he rated it a wholesome, vivifying force in our national thought and life.   [Please select]

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vivify - vivifying - viviparous