Sentence example with the word 'utopianism'


Definition n. the political orientation of a Utopian who believes in impossibly idealistic schemes of social perfection

Last update: July 5, 2015


He was not deterred by the fear of ridicule or the reproach of Utopianism from associating himself openly, and with all the ardour of his nature, with the peace party in England.   [Please select]


Quixotism, or Utopianism; that is another of the devil's pet words.   [Please select]


It antedated Brisbane's revival of Fourierism, was encouraged by Owenism, survived both, and formed a living link between the utopianism of the early nineteenth century and the utilitarian socialism of the twentieth.   [Please select]


Let us think for a few moments what romance and Utopianism mean.   [Please select]


It is very Utopian to hope for the entire doing away with drunkenness and misery out of the Canongate; but the Utopianism is not our business--the _work_ is.   [Please select]


It is Utopian to hope to give every child in this kingdom the knowledge of God from its youth; but the Utopianism is not our business--the _work_ is.   [Please select]

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