Sentence example with the word 'untangling'


accomplishment, clearing, decoding, disembroilment, dislodgment, extrication, interpretation, releasing, riddling, unknotting, unsnarling, upshot

Last update: August 16, 2015


Untangling her arms, he stepped into the hall and looked into the living room where Jonathan was watching a movie.   [Please select]


If I'd known it was like that I wouldn't a-cut it if I'd spent a month untangling it.   [Please select]


He had been untangling a forgotten rare specimen of deep-sea lobster from his net, when the explosion came.   [Please select]


And here, where life scarcely throbs, I've scented a mystery that has powerfully impressed me and surely needs untangling.   [Please select]


Once more things were badly mixed, and the untangling process had to be repeated.   [Please select]


He was far too busy baiting eel and lobster traps, mending fish nets, untangling lines, and painting boats to give a thought to his personal beauty.   [Please select]

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untangles - untangling - untanned