Sentence example with the word 'unprovoked'


Definition adj. occurring without motivation or provocation

Last update: July 31, 2015


His anger was quite unprovoked.   [Please select]


This was seized upon as a pretext for violent anti-clerical demonstrations all over Italy and for brutal and unprovoked attacks on unoffending priests; at Spezia a church was set on fire and another dismantled, at Marino Cardinal Merry del Val was attacked by a gang of hooligans, and at Rome the violence of the teppisti reached such a pitch as to provoke reaction on the part of all respectable people, and some of the aggressors were very roughly handled.   [Please select]


Of course pretty much all the talk during the meal was about the unprovoked and cowardly attack of the preceding night.   [Please select]


Colonel Cresap, the last spring, in cold blood and unprovoked, murdered all the relations of Logan, not even sparing my women and children.   [Please select]


"And Fritz must have recognised them too--when he made that unprovoked attack upon them."   [Please select]


Never, never, he internally resolved, shall my unprovoked enemies possess such an advantage over my reputation.   [Please select]


Would not intervention, indeed, be equivalent to an unprovoked attack on Spain, a declaration of war.   [Please select]

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unproven - unprovoked - unpruned