Sentence example with the word 'underside'


bed, belly, bottom side, buttocks, fundament, lower side, lowest level, nethermost level, sole, underbelly, underneath

Definition n. the lower side of anything

Last update: July 27, 2015


At once, he felt the brush of her soft curls against the underside of his chin and smelled her amber-vanilla.   [Please select]


On the underside of a slanting decayed limb, twenty feet above, was a new, well-rounded hole perhaps an inch in diameter.   [Please select]


Sometimes this white extends along the underside of the body from the under-bill almost to the vent.   [Please select]


Coxal stylets: short, leg-like, jointed appendages on the underside of the abdominal segments in Thysanura.   [Please select]


Mesostethium: the middle piece of the underside of meta-thorax, between the middle and hind legs.   [Please select]


Patellariae: in Dytiscids, the unequal, cup-like impressions on the underside of the patella.   [Please select]


Post-gula: is situated at the extreme base of the underside of the head in Dermaptera.   [Please select]


Harpalus caliginosas showing the underside, and the head from above, to show the regions and the position of the sclerites.   [Please select]


Then get some upholstery buttons, fasten a cord through the loop, bring the cord through to the underside of the cushion, and fasten the button by slipping a nail through the knot.   [Please select]


The seat is a board, to the underside of which is a block, which drops down between the two top slats and is secured with a pin.   [Please select]

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undershot - underside - undersides