Definitionadj. suggesting the operation of supernatural influences
Last update: May 4, 2016
He has an uncanny habit of talking to spirits. [adjective]
But for sheer ferocity and lust of blood, perhaps no creature on earth can equal that uncanny brute, the common garden spider. [adjective]
The most uncanny thing about the kirk was the precentor 's box beneath the pulpit. [adjective]
D'ye think yoursell that she's no uncanny.' [adjective]
Now this wad be an uncanny night to meet him in, and wha kens if he wad be ower weel pleased wi' our purpose of visiting his pose.' [adjective]
Emerson liked Hawthorne better than his books,--the latter were too weird, uncanny, and inconclusive. [adjective]
Wauverley and Vich lan Vohr; and an uncanny coup I gat for my pains. [adjective]
The people about me are like some uncanny, half-human beings. [adjective]
It was cold and uncanny in the rapid current in the middle of the stream, and the uhlans caught hold of one another as they fell off their horses. [adjective]
What does that inexplicable, that uncanny turn of countenance mean. [adjective]
In neither his father, who was a prosperous merchant, nor his mother, who was a quiet, unsympathetic woman, do we see any suggestion of the son's almost uncanny genius. [adjective]
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