Sentence example with the word 'ululating'


Last update: October 12, 2015


Ululating howls replied from the surrounding night, and once a red light showed for a second and disappeared in front of them.   [Please select]


The fakir raised his voice into a howl--a long, low, ululating howl like that he had uttered when they found him on his dais.   [Please select]


Many of our breeds appear to have become incapable of ululating.   [Please select]


And now there arose in the woods beyond, and in the fields below the hill, and from the villages of the neighboring Indians, a series of sharp, ululating yells.   [Please select]


The other Greek and the Goanese joined in the shout, the dark man setting up such an ululating screech that the very storm dwindled into second place in comparison.   [Please select]

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ultraviolet - ululating - ululation