Sentence example with the word 'tubful'


Definition n. the amount that a tub will hold

Last update: October 12, 2015


"Read 'em by the tubful if you like, but do the same as me--don't believe 'em."   [Please select]


It was his luxurious custom to shave while sitting snugly in a tubful of hot water.   [Please select]


In sitch a enormous tubful o' lobsters, etceterer, it's a wonder we've met at all.'   [Please select]


For what Molly and her father ate was hardly to be counted in the tubful.   [Please select]


Fish are sold on the market every day, sometimes a tubful at a time, which never swallowed a hook.   [Please select]


Some of the greatest Anglers are the poorest fish killers, but to them one fish correctly captured on chivalric tackle means more than a tubful of butchered victims means to the unenlightened bungler.   [Please select]

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tubes - tubful - tubing