Sentence example with the word 'trilingual'


Definition adj. using or knowing three languages

Last update: June 8, 2015


Santes Pagninus of Lucca was at Lyons; and the trilingual college of Francis I.   [Please select]


German was naturally the first language with which she was familiar; but English and French quickly followed; and she became virtually trilingual, though her mastery of English grammar remained incomplete.   [Please select]


So light-hearted did I become that, the next evening, while I was dressing for dinner, I did not frown when the chasseur brought me up the huge trilingual visiting-card of Professor Anastasius Papadopoulos.   [Please select]


On the other hand, the trilingual inscription of the Elvend, the _Ghendj-nûméh_, is still admirably preserved, but the cold prevented me from taking a squeeze.   [Please select]

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trike - trilingual - trill