Sentence example with the word 'transpiration'


Definition n. the passage of gases through fine tubes because of differences in pressure or temperature

Last update: September 16, 2015


Mechanism and Function of StomataIt is not quite exact to speak of either the gaseous interchanges or the transpiration as taking place through the stomata.   [Please select]


To meet the functional conditions, both sides of the compass leaves are almost equally provided with palisade cells for food formation and stomata for transpiration.   [Please select]


The dense foliage provides shade and protection from desiccating effects of wind and sunlight; furthermore the foliage contributes moisture by transpiration.   [Please select]


Through the stomata, when open, free interchange may take place between the external air and that within the leaf, and thus transpiration be much facilitated.   [Please select]


But if the trees are so scattered as not materially to reduce evaporation from the ground, the effect of transpiration in diminishing the moisture of the soil is readily shown.   [Please select]

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transpiercing - transpiration - transpire