At this time and in this place will I say but this: Sutcliffe, thou wilt consume thy days weighing the jots and tittles of learning. [Please select]
But having done his duty in this matter, he found it convenient to shorten the name into Tit--sometimes Tittles. [Please select]
Tittles had no face whatever, as far as could be seen by the naked eye. [Please select]
Tittles was extremely sensitive in regard to this, and could not bear to have his miserable projection touched. [Please select]
Tittles began to wag the stump of his miserable tail, and, in short, every one began to look and to feel happy. [Please select]
Upon the whole Tittles was the cause of much noise, no little confusion, and great amusement at that celebrated wedding. [Please select]
The sound was that of snoring, and it issued from the wide-open mouth of Sam Sorrel, who lay sprawling on his back, with Tittles coiled up at his feet. [Please select]
Tittles jumped up with a yelp, while Grant and Temple turned round with a growl at having been awakened, and went off to sleep again. [Please select]
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