In appearance he was twice as old as the other man. [Please select]
Ere long a bell tinkled, and the curtain drew up. [Please select]
In dry weather this burn tinkled over a chaos of rocks, forming myriads of miniature cascades and hosts of limpid little pools. [Please select]
Then she tinkled her fork against her glass, and, when the waiter came, said, "Waffles, please," with an air which impressed Clover extremely. [Please select]
They came with gold all over them; they tinkled with the clash of a million cymbals. [Please select]
The fine lady left her horse to dance with "Bobby Shafto" till every bell on her slippers tinkled its tongue out. [Please select]
The two big horses, one in front of the other, continuously tinkled the metal disks on their forehead bands; Mr. [Please select]
Then one whose copper ornaments tinkled as she walked, entered beside me, whispering into my ear. [Please select]
For a few moments he prowled around; a glass tinkled against a decanter. [Please select]
Somewhere in the darkness cow-bells tinkled; overhead, through the damp sheet of fog, the veiled stars were still shining. [Please select]
Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer Swung by seraphim, whose footfalls tinkled on the tufted floor. [Please select]
Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!