It surmounts the watershed by means of Sapperton tunnel, 2 m. [Please select]
A double row of hooks surmounts the dorsal ring of the four front segments of the abdomen. [Please select]
The sheet-net and the labyrinth that surmounts it are objects visible from afar, owing to their whiteness and the height whereat they are placed. [Please select]
It arises above from a tubercle at the base of the coracoid process, which surmounts the glenoid cavity of the scapula. [Please select]
Its bulk forms a thick prominence, which surmounts the elbow and the forearm. [Please select]
14 is that of the Large Skipper Butterfly (_Pamphila Sylvanus_), distinguished by the curved point that surmounts the club. [Please select]
The bastion which surmounts the burrow, therefore, takes its origin from the temporary lid. [Please select]
The lower storey includes the larger portion of the Anthophora's cell; the upper storey includes the rest of the cell and a little of the bottle-neck that surmounts it. [Please select]
All these differ not only in size, colour, shape of their beak, and the protuberance that surmounts it; but also in the kind of food which they live upon. [Please select]
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