Sentence example with the word 'surliness'


abruptness, beastliness, bouderie, brusquerie, curtness, glumness, grumness, moodiness, moroseness, severity, sulkiness

Definition n. a disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger

Last update: September 23, 2015


Then comes gentleness - the virtue regulative of anger; and the list is concluded by the excellences of social intercourse, friendliness (as a mean between obsequiousness and surliness), truthfulness and decorous wit.   [Please select]


Is it body or spirit that rules him--his fear, lust, vanity, gluttony, surliness, or sloth.   [Please select]


Bostil thought this strange and put it down to the surliness of the fellow, who had lost on the races.   [Please select]


"These be some of my investments," he answered, with just a tinge of surliness.   [Please select]


Brock's brother was so often deprived of his legitimate spoils, that, while his surliness was increased, his bodily growth was checked.   [Please select]


But then, repenting of my surliness, I added, "And none so perilous that you need fear, Mistress Barbara."   [Please select]


“Well, I suppose I’ll have to assume responsibility for him and his acts,” I remarked, piqued by the fellow’s surliness.   [Please select]


Monty knew better than mistake Fred's surliness for anything but friendship in distress.   [Please select]


In confinement these rats are not engaging pets; they show a considerable amount of surliness and ferocity.   [Please select]


He went far out of his way and lost much time, all on account of his surliness.   [Please select]


But there was a look of perplexity in her eyes--as if she were casting about for some stupidly tactless act or omission of her own to account for his surliness--that made him recant altogether.   [Please select]

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surlily - surliness - surly