Sentence example with the word 'summon'


appeal, bring out, call up, convoke, draw up, get from, invite, muster up, recall, sit, tickle

Definition v. call in an official matter

Last update: October 17, 2015


Mirabai was summoned to apper before Rana.   [verb]


The court summoned the culprit to confess.   [verb]


Many people feel that they cannot summon up the courage to talk to someone about debt or money issues.   [verb]


A wooden clapper that was sounded by the prior to summon the monks to eat, wash or attend a meeting.   [verb]


Placing himself at an angle of the works, where he might be a spectator of the scene without, he awaited the result with as much patience as he could summon.   [verb]


Ochiltree's soliloquy was disturbed by a peace-officer, who came to summon him to attend the magistrate.   [verb]


His apprehensions were, however, greatly relieved, when he saw that the leader had summoned his warriors to himself in counsel.   [verb]


But when summoned to the presence of Sir Arthur and Mr.   [verb]


In the morning of the following day, the Antiquary, who was something of a sluggard, was summoned from his bed a full hour earlier than his custom by Caxon.   [verb]


I summon thee, John Grahame, to appear before the tribunal of God, to answer for this innocent blood, and the seas besides which thou hast shed.   [verb]

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summits - summon - summoned