He carried few books to Holland with him, but a Bible and the Summa of Thomas Aquinas were amongst them.' [Please select]
Jam jam tacturos sidera summa putes. [Please select]
_Summum jus, summa injuria_--to drive an abstract right to excess is to commit injustice. [Please select]
This is most distinctly seen in the Summa Theologica of St. [Please select]
Eventually Austen went back and graduated--not summa cum laude, honesty compels me to add. [Please select]
Post breve tempus summa tranquillitás cónsecúta est, et nautae, quí sé ex timóre iam recéperant, návem incolumem ad terram appulérunt. [Please select]
His fame chiefly rests on the ablest treatise written in the Middle Ages,--the "Summa Theologica,"--in which all the great questions in theology and philosophy are minutely discussed, in the most exhaustive manner. [Please select]
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